When you produce your artwork, a business card or even a magazine and send it to a printer, even if you are using an online creator, there will be somebody, at some stage, checking that artwork. It may be a person, it may be a program, but never the less your artwork is checked and proofed before sending. In the case of litho – to plate, or in the case of Digital – to print, this is the Pre Press Department. In essence, Pre press is the part that links design to print. Pre press is the process of preparing digital files for a printing press—making them ready for printing. Simamm has a sophisticated Pre press department that employs a team of highly skilled and trained graphic designers. We not only review electronic files already provided by our clients but also design the artwork from scratch, bringing our customers’ concept to reality. Adjustments are made to the digital files to make them compatible with printing on paper or other substrates.
Our graphic designers are equipped with sophisticated MAC systems as well as a profound knowledge of designing & printing. They are able to work with the industry-standard graphic software programs including QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator and Acrobat. They have a command on Corel Draw, Microsoft Word and any other software, including open source programs. They not only have ample amount of experience but are also evolving their techniques and adapting to advanced programming systems. Our clients are able to choose from a variety of concepts to fulfill their graphic designing needs. The following are some of the common tasks that our pre press operators carry out: Simamm’s head, creative and research team is passionately involved in all stages of the printing process. They are striving continuously to help businesses establish their brands successfully in both local and international markets. They have assisted many businesses in successfully branding themselves to stand out from the rest and provided them with unique products fulfilling all their requirements. Absolute client satisfaction has always been a core aim at our firm. Through colour calibrated monitors our customers are able to witness exact colours on the computer screens as they would desire to see on paper. Our collective efforts have made our clients gain a competitive edge and remain a step ahead from their competitors.
- Correct sizing.
- Preparing a high-quality, printable, PDF file.
- Examine files to anticipate and correct any common problems that could prevent the document from printing as expected.
- Double-check fonts to make sure they are embedded and will print correctly.
- Manufacturing of plates.
- Check for bleed.
- Check if the job requires spot colour.
- Colour correcting every image.
- Make sure graphics are in the right format and convert RGB files to CMYK, the format used for printing full-color documents on a printing press.
- Trapping and knockout. Set the trapping, which is an overlap of certain colors to prevent gaps where the colors touch in a layout.
- Set the imposition of the file—putting pages in the right order for printing. It is common to print four, eight, sixteen or even more pages on a single large sheet of paper that is later trimmed and sometimes folded into a single unit.
- Produce color digital or soft proofs as requested.

Simamm’s head, creative and research team is passionately involved in all stages of the printing process. They are striving continuously to help businesses establish their brands successfully in both local and international markets. They assisted many businesses in successfully branding themselves to stand out from the rest and provided them with unique products fulfilling all their requirements. Absolute client satisfaction has always been a core aim at our firm.
Digital print technology is evolving quickly and digital printing output quality is improving continuously. These advancements are delivering print quality that mimics offset. Digital printing enables additional advantages, including:
A sample is prepared on a computer printer before the job is printed on a commercial press to ensure they’re in line with the clients’ specifications.